Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Grammar Translation Method


Goals :
The students are :
  • Able to read and appreciate foreign language literature,
  • More familiar with the grammar of their native language and, thus, able to speak and write the native language better,
  • To grow intellectually.
Existing Classroom Practice

As I once observed :
A class was very quiet, a good situation to study. The students read a text from their handbook and translate it. If there were some new vocabularies they didn’t know, they could see to their dictionary or ask their teacher. Then the students answered some questions at the end of the text and submitted it to the teacher. Then they were called on to read the answer of a question they had done. If there were some mistakes, the teacher would correct it. The teacher gave their book back after marked it. The teacher explained about grammar or tenses used at that text. After finishing some chapters, the teacher gave a written test. The students had to translate some sentences to the target language, use the correct tenses in some sentences given, and use vocabularies in some sentences given correctly. They had to reach a certain score. If they were failed, they would do a remedial test.
Teaching-learning characteristics :
  • Communication is in the native language.
  • Speaking in the target is not the goal.
  • Translation is common.
  • Correctness is emphasized.
  • Grammar matery is emphasized.
  • Vocabulary matery is emphasized.
Teacher’s activities/roles :
  • Dominating the class.
Students’ activities :
  • Reading the text.
  • Translating few lines on the text.
  • Answering question at the end of the text.
  • Learning/memorizing target language grammar rules.
As I was told :
The teacher read a text then translated it to their native language in front of the class. The student had to listen and pay attention. Then the teacher gave a question to each student about the text or they were asked to translate a sentence from the text. Then they were asked to answer the questions at the ed of the text and submitted it to be marked. The teacher explained about tenses used at the text. Then the teacher gave them a written test about grammar or tenses and vocabularies they had learned, by giving a multiple choices questions and filling a missing word of some sentences.
Comments (plusses and minuses to English language teaching today) :
This method is good to develop ability in Passive English but not in Active English.

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