Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Audio - Lingual Method


Goals :
The students are :
  • Able to use the target language communicatively
  • Forming new habits in the target language
Existing Classroom Practice

As I once observed :
A teacher introduced students a new dialog in target language. Then the teacher read it while the students listened carefully. The teacher asked the students to declaim the dialogs in groups and then each student. The teacher started to give drill to the students, it could be chain single slot and multiple slot substitution drills. They had to listen to the teacher and their friends said and remember it so they could follow the chain that could be a long sentence because each student substituted it with new vocabularies. The teacher also gave direction by some pictures. They had to able to respond as accurately and rapidly as possible. The teacher paid attention to the students if they had mistakes in pronunciation or grammar and corrected it together. In the end of the class, the teacher asked the students to make a kind dialogs like they did earlier.
Teaching-learning characteristics :
  • Vocabulary and structure are presented through the dialogs
  • Imitating and repetition
  • Drills of the dialogs
  • giving positively reinforce
  • grammar is induced from the example given
  • cultural information is contextualized in the dialogs
  • reading and writing are based upon the dialogs
Teacher’s activities/roles :
  • Directing and controlling the language behavior of the students
  • Providing the students with a good model for imitation
Students’ activities :
  • Imitating the teacher’s model
  • Following the teacher’s direction
  • Responding as accurately and rapidly as possible
As I was told :
The teacher read a dialog several times. The students repeated after the teacher until they all understood and be able to say the dialog rapidly. Then the teacher introduced new vocabularies by giving its pictures. Then the students had to substituted the word in the dialog follow the teacher direction. Then the teacher gave drills to improve their ability in grammar. The students had to respond as accurately and rapidly as possible. They had to be able to speak naturally and make it as their habits.
Comments (plusses and minuses to English language teaching today) :
This method improve the students’ ability to communicate in target language as naturally as in their native language by drills and keeping it as their habits, the class will be very fun, but it have to be done frequently and need more energy in this class.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Silent Way


Goals :
The students are :
  • To be able to use the language for self-expressions to express their thoughts, perceptions and feelings
  • To become independent by relying on themselves
Existing Classroom Practice

As I once observed :
The class is the initial creation of a clear and unambiguous situation using the rods. This allows the students to work on the challenge of finding ways -as many as possible- of expressing the situation in the target language. The teacher is active, proposing small changes so that the students can practice the language generated, always scrupulously respecting the reality of what they see. They rapidly become more and more curious about the language and begin to explore it actively, proposing their own changes to find out whether they can say this or that, reinvesting what they have discovered in new sentences. The teacher can then gradually hand over the responsibility for the content of the course to the students, always furnishing the feedback necessary for the learning process. The content of the course then becomes whatever the students want it to be, usually an exploration of their own lives, their thoughts, feelings and opinions.
Teaching-learning characteristics :
  • Using a language specific sound color chart and rods-sometimes
  • Pronunciation is worked on from the beginning
  • Focus on the structures of the language
  • Vocabulary is restricted at first
  • The student’s native language can be used to give instructions when necessary
Teacher’s activities/roles :
  • The teacher is silent, when the teacher speaks, it is to give clue not to model the language
  • The teacher is very active, setting up situation to force awareness, listening attentively to the students and providing exercises to insure their facility
  • The teacher observes the students
Students’ activities :
  • Make use of what they know
  • to free themselves of any obstacles
  • to actively engage in exploring language
  • Student-student verbal interaction is desirable and is therefore encouraged
  • Students can learn from one another
As I was told :
The lesson will start with working simultaneously on the basic elements of the language: the sounds and prosody of the language and on the construction of sentences. The materials described above will be frequently used. At first, the teacher will propose situations for the students to respond to, but very quickly the students themselves will invent new situations using the rods but also events in the classroom and their own lives.
Comments (plusses and minuses to English language teaching today) :
The Silent Way is to optimize the way students exchange their time for experience, but because the teacher is silent, the teacher have to be more creative