Monday, November 29, 2010

Community Language Learning Method


Goals :
The students are :
  •  To use the target language communicatively
  • To learn about their own learning
Existing Classroom Practice

As I once observed :
The teacher came to the class. He introduced herself, and had the students introduce themselves too. After they knew each other, the lesson started. The teacher explained clearly about the lesson until the students understood. Then the students started to say some sentences, the teacher helped to translate it into the target language. Then the sentences made by the students become a dialog in the target language, then the teacher write what they had said in the blackboard and asked to the students to translate what they had said, the teacher help to translate it in native language so that the students understood. Then they were given time to copy it. Then the students made a group of three persons. They make a conversation. The students read their sentences to the other members of the class. The students are invited to talk about their feeling and experiences.
Teaching-learning characteristics :
  • Teacher and students are whole person
  • Students are independence to talk what their feeling
  • the security is the basic element
  • particular grammar points, pronunciation patterns and vocabulary are worked with
  • speaking and understanding the language
Teacher’s activities/roles :
  • Teacher is a counselor
  • Helping the students to translate what they want to say in the target language
  • Helping the students to overcome their negative feeling
Students’ activities :
  • Conducting their own conversation helped by the teacher how to say it in the target language
  • Reading and writing their own conversation that they understood
As I was told :
The teacher and the students introduced themselves then talk about the lesson and what would they do in that class. the teacher gave an opportunity to say anything they want then the teacher would helped to translate it. One by one the students started to speak. With the tape recorder, the teacher recorded their voice in target language until became a short conversation. Then the teacher played it and explained again about their conversation. Then in group they worked and made a conversation.
Comments (plusses and minuses to English language teaching today) :
By this method, the students will feel independence and secure, that is a good situation to learn, they are also invited to talk what they feel. The teacher has to be very creative and patient to overcome their students’ negative feeling and make the students responsible about their lesson.